Via images and preimages we describe how functions work on sets.
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Concept |
Content |
Sets |
Sets are the basic building blocks for a lot of mathematics. In order to rigorously define numbers and doing real analysis, we need to know how to work with sets. |
Maps |
Maps are the mathematical formulation of a machine that gets inputs and generate outputs. On both sides, sets are needed for the domain and the codomain. |
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For every well-defined map \(f: X\to
Y\) and \(A\subset X\), \(B \subset Y\) we are interested in the
following sets:
Definition 1. Let \(f:
X\rightarrow Y\) be a function and \(A\subset X\) and \(B\subset Y\) some sets.
\[f(A):= \{ f(x): x\in A\}\] is
called the image of \(A\)
under \(f\).

\[f^{-1}(B):= \{ x\in X: f(x) \in B
\}\] is called the preimage of \(B\) under \(f\). 
Note that the preimage can also be the empty set if none of the
elements in \(B\) are “hit” by the
To describe the behaviour of a map, the following sets are very
Definition 2 (Range and fiber). Let \(f: X\rightarrow Y\) be a map. Then \[\begin{aligned}
\mathrm{Ran}(f) &:= f(X) = \{ f(x) : x \in X \}
\end{aligned}\] is called the range of \(f\). For each \(y\in Y\) the set \[\begin{aligned}
f^{-1}(\{y \}) &:= \{ x \in X : f(x) = y \}
\end{aligned}\] is called a fiber of \(f\).
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