Riemann Integral for Bounded Functions
Notion of integral for a large class of functions.
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Concept | Content |
Riemann Integral for Step Functions | A notion of integral for a simple class of functions. |
Show consequences
Concept | Content |
Substitution Rule for Integration | An important integration rule. |
Properties of the Riemann Integral | Important properties of the Riemann integral of bounded functions. |
Integration by Parts | An important integration rule. |
Examples for Calculating the Riemann Integral | Use the approximation by step functions to calculate integrals. |
Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus | Characterization of all antiderivatives |
Improper Riemann Integrals | How to integrate on unbounded domains. |
Study Riemann Integral for Bounded Functions #
Now we will define the integral for bounded functions:
Definition 1. Let \(f:[a,b]\to\mathbb{R}\) be bounded. Then we define the Riemann upper integral \[\overline{\int_a^b}f(x)\, dx:=\inf\left\{\int_a^b\phi(x)\, dx\;:\;\phi\in\mathcal{T}([a,b])\text{ with }\phi\geq f\right\}\] and the Riemann lower integral by \[\underline{\int_a^b}f(x)\, dx:=\sup\left\{\int_a^b\phi(x)\, dx\;:\;\phi\in\mathcal{T}([a,b])\text{ with }\phi\leq f\right\}.\]
It can be seen from the figures
above that the integral can be seen as the signed area between the
function graph and the \(x\)-axis.
Signed means that the area of the negative parts of the
function has to be counted negative.
By the above definition, we can directly deduce that for \(\phi\in\mathcal{T}([a,b])\) holds \[\overline{\int_a^b}\phi(x)\, dx=\underline{\int_a^b}\phi(x)\, dx={\int_a^b}\phi(x)\, dx.\]
For general bounded functions \(f:[a,b]\to\mathbb{R}\) holds \[\underline{\int_a^b}f(x)\, dx\leq \overline{\int_a^b}f(x)\, dx.\] Note that in general the upper integral does not coincide with the lower integral. For instance, consider the function \(f: [0,1] \to\mathbb{R}\) with \[f(x)=\begin{cases}1&:\;x\in\mathbb{Q}\\0&:x\in\mathbb{R}\backslash\mathbb{Q}\end{cases}\] Then we have \[\overline{\int_0^1}f(x)\, dx=1>0=\underline{\int_0^1}f(x)\, dx.\]
Theorem 2. Let \(f,g:[a,b]\to\mathbb{R}\) be bounded. Then
\[\overline{\int_a^b}f(x)+g(x)\, dx\leq \overline{\int_a^b}f(x)\, dx+\overline{\int_a^b}g(x)\, dx.\]
\[\underline{\int_a^b}f(x)+g(x)\, dx\geq \underline{\int_a^b}f(x)\, dx+\underline{\int_a^b}g(x)\, dx.\]
For \(\lambda\geq0\) holds \[\underline{\int_a^b}\lambda f(x)\, dx=\lambda \underline{\int_a^b}f(x)\, dx,\quad\overline{\int_a^b}\lambda f(x)\, dx=\lambda \overline{\int_a^b}f(x)\, dx.\]
For \(\lambda\leq0\) holds \[\underline{\int_a^b}\lambda f(x)\, dx=\lambda \overline{\int_a^b}f(x)\, dx,\quad\overline{\int_a^b}\lambda f(x)\, dx=\lambda \underline{\int_a^b}f(x)\, dx.\]
(i) Let \(\varepsilon>0\). Then
there exist \(\phi,\psi\in\mathcal{T}([a,b])\) with \(\phi\geq f\), \(\psi\geq g\) and \[\overline{\int_a^b}f(x)\,
dx+\frac\varepsilon2\geq{\int_a^b}\phi(x)\, dx,\qquad
\overline{\int_a^b}g(x)\, dx+\frac\varepsilon2\geq{\int_a^b}\psi(x)\,
dx.\] Then \(f+g\leq\phi+\psi\)
and \[\begin{aligned}
\overline{\int_a^b}f(x)+g(x)\, dx=&\inf\left\{\int_a^b\zeta(x)\,
dx\;:\; \zeta\in\mathcal{T}([a,b])\text{ with }\zeta\geq f+g\right\}\\
\leq& {\int_a^b}\phi(x)+\psi(x)\, dx\\ \leq&
\overline{\int_a^b}f(x)\, dx+\overline{\int_a^b}g(x)\, dx+\varepsilon.
\end{aligned}\] Since this holds true for all \(\varepsilon>0\), we conclude \[\overline{\int_a^b}f(x)+g(x)\,
dx\leq\overline{\int_a^b}f(x)\, dx+\overline{\int_a^b}g(x)\,
dx.\] (ii): Analogous to (i).
(iii): We only show the statement for the upper integral. The other
result can be shown analogously.
Let \(\varepsilon>0\). Then there
exists some \(\phi\in\mathcal{T}([a,b])\) with \(\phi\geq f\) and \[\overline{\int_a^b}f(x)\,
dx+\varepsilon\geq{\int_a^b}\phi(x)\, dx.\] Then \(\lambda \phi\geq\lambda f\) and \[\overline{\int_a^b} \lambda f(x)\,
dx\leq{\int_a^b}\lambda\phi(x)\, dx=\lambda{\int_a^b}\phi(x)\, dx\leq
\lambda\overline{\int_a^b} f(x)\, dx+\lambda\varepsilon.\] Since
this holds true for all \(\varepsilon>0\), we conclude \[\overline{\int_a^b}\lambda f(x)\, dx\leq\lambda
\overline{\int_a^b}f(x)\, dx.\] The opposite inequality follows
from the previous one applied to \(g(x):=\lambda f(x)\) and \(\mu:=\frac{1}{\lambda}>0\): \[\overline{\int_a^b} f(x)\, dx
= \overline{\int_a^b} \mu g(x)\, dx \leq \mu \overline{\int_a^b}g(x)\,
dx = \frac{1}{\lambda} \overline{\int_a^b}\lambda f(x)\, dx.\]
Multiplying this inequality by \(\lambda>0\) yields \[\lambda \overline{\int_a^b} f(x)\, dx \leq
\overline{\int_a^b}\lambda f(x)\, dx.\]
(iv): This result can be shown by using (iii) and the fact \[\overline{\int_a^b}-f(x)\, dx=-\underline{\int_a^b}f(x)\, dx.\] \(\Box\)
Definition 3. A bounded function \(f:[a,b]\to\mathbb{R}\) is called Riemann-integrable if \[\overline{\int_a^b}f(x)\, dx=\underline{\int_a^b}f(x)\, dx.\] In this case, we write \[{\int_a^b}f(x)\, dx=\underline{\int_a^b}f(x)\, dx.\] The set of Riemann-integrable functions is denoted by \(\mathcal{R}([a,b])\).
We obviously have that \(\mathcal{T}([a,b])\subset\mathcal{R}([a,b])\). In the following we state that monotonic functions as well as continuous functions are Riemann-integrable. The proof is not presented here.
Remark 4. As it holds true for summation, the integration variable can be renamed without changing the integral. That is, for \(f\in\mathcal{R}([a,b])\) holds \[{\int_a^b}f(x)\, dx={\int_a^b}f(t)\, dt.\]
Theorem 5. Let \(f:[a,b]\to\mathbb{R}\) be continuous or monotonic. Then \(f\) is Riemann-integrable.
The following result is straightforward:
Theorem 6. \(\mathcal{R}([a,b])\) is a real vector space and the mapping \[\int_a^b\;:\;\mathcal{R}([a,b])\to\mathbb{R}\] is linear and monotonic.
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